Dungeon Mapping and Building Tools

Let’s start a collection of dungeon mapping and builder tools.

These can be DIGITAL or ANALOG techniques or tools.


Just using a premade map from Dyson Logos is always a good call and easy way to get a map.

Dungeon Scrawl is a web based, easy to use dungeon mapper that has an “old-school feel”.

Dungeon Builder by Hobbyte is an isometric dungeon building tool. However, it is quite pricy.

2 Minute Tabletop is a super. Maker of maps and assets for maps to be used in Dungeondraft, Wonderdraft, or your art program of choice. Picking up the Everything Pack is a good buy.

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Not a tool, but a creator who makes awesome maps.

JP Coovert!


The good ol’ index card method as proposed by ICRPG! This uses the index card art cards or the ICRPG Essentials Deck to make dungeon concepts and get to the action faster.



Die-Drop Dungeon Building by Dungeon Masterpiece.

Worldographer is a great standalone tool that runs locally on your machine. Builds worlds, cities, and dungeons. Even does space maps too!.

Cyclic Dungeon Generation method

Cyclic dungeon generation is the name given to the level creation algorithm in Joris Dormans’s 2017 roguelite Unexplored.

Taking inspiration from games like The Legend of Zelda, this algorithm generates dungeons by composing together cycles: circular loops of linked dungeon rooms designed to create a specific flow of gameplay.