FAQs for Crown and Skull

The beauty of Crown and Skull is that you can really mold it to your playstyle and interpret abilities and approaches differently. Character Creation can be a great discovery! However, there are certain questions that do get asked a lot about abilities or approaches to the game.

Iā€™d like to rebuild our previous conversations within this post to allow new players to easily discover!

Post some of rules questions you have had and throw them in this thread!


Defense, Evade, Shield Skill, Magic & Faith - When to use which skill?
Four skills in C&S mention that they can be used to either avoid and/or resist damage. A few examples are:

  • A foe swinging a sword at the PC - You can try to resist the attack with a defense roll or avoid the attack with an evade roll.
  • A foe slinging a mental spell at you? That is a magic or faith roll.
  • A foe slinging a fireball at you? For this, you could allow any of the skills.

Do you need the magic or faith skill to cast spells?
No, but your magic user will be a lot more vulnerable without it.


Another thing that comes up is example of the core ability ā€œParagon of Faithā€. This only affects Faith skill and works the same way as Divine Magic, except it goes up by 2 on successful uses and maxes out at 16 instead. This is in addition to the special spell associated with the Core Ability.


p.12 Healing, Repair, Rest & Recovery.

How does the breather work?
As with everything, you as the Gamemaster has control on how you rule this, but in essence there are two approaches.

Approach 1: No Freebies!
When you fulfil the requirements for a breather, i.e., find safety and no enemies or timer. The players can roll their designated skill (medical or armourer) and required tools (bandages or craftsman kit). On a successful check, they gain the lost skill or equipment. The skill is lost on a failure until total recovery and the armour is destroyed. This method makes attrition more costly to the players.

Approach 2: Only roll in danger!
As the name implies, rolling the medical or armoured skill is only done when in danger. If there is no danger, there is no roll. So once they are in safety, with no enemies and no timers. They can take a breather and automatically regain a lost skill or item.