Hello just found my way to the new forums

First post here. Usually just a lurker. Old GenX DnD player. Not a fan of 5E for… reasons. Dove into OSR rulesets during COVID, found 2E, and keep coming back to ICRPG.

Was talking to a friend about ICRPG and VTTs at a party last night and came looking for the old forums, and finally ended up here.


Sounds like my kind of party! Welcome back :grin:


Welcome back! ICRPG is pretty much my forever system.


Yes, I’ve swam thru OSE, Shadowdark, Dragonbane, 5 Torches Deep, etc etc. trying to find a flavor I liked best, and I keep coming back to ICRPG. This might be controversial but I kinda tend to prefer 2E over ME, but I’m not dogmatic about it.


Yeah I just found this today and signed back up. I missed the old forum, and thought ICRPG was orphaned and dead. Glad its not.

ICRPG is the best.


Glad you found this place out. ICRPG ME just gives out more options. It’s a natural extension and finalization of 2e, but you play what you want. It’s meant to be hacked and built up however you want!

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Second edition has a special place in my heart. No controversy at all.


i love the versatility of ICRPG its why its the core rule set for a massive setting I’m crafting. I’m adding in a few new toys like BIG and SMALL effort as well as a few of my own. With luck I can show the community my efforts once things are far enough with the aid of some of our youtube voices here.

welcome to the fold