I wanna publish an icrpg hack

I wanna publish a icrpg project im working on and i see people have published to the forums, how would i go about publishing my own book and making income on it


You’ll need to find a platform to sell it, a lot of folks use DrivethruRPG and/ or itch.io for this. Both have guidelines to follow for how to set up your title. There is a bit of a learning curve, but it’s not all too hard to actually do it.

I have a publishing page with DrivethruRPG myself and a few titles up for sale. If a knuckle dragger like me can do it, anyone can.

I look forward to seeing what you create!

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Also check this page and scroll down just a smidge to find the ICRPG content creation guidelines, a must read for publishing content for the game.

Was going to ask the same question soon. Its kinda daunting the fact I’m going to finally publish my own hacks as well.

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Though its such a shame that a lot of those links on the community website dont work cause the original icrpg forum got lost

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Thank you so much, just scroll down and youll see what i want to publish, its called Mignely

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This is the important part and thankfully doesn’t link to the sadly deceased old forum. The “For Use With ICRPG” badge pops up with the “this badge” link on the actual page. Hope this helps. :blush::pray: