On elevated positions, what do people tend to use here? Easy and hard or high and low effort.
Just wondered really…
@NightWorm has a neat supplement called BIG/SMALL EFFORT that would be similar to providing EASY to an ATTEMPT. I’ll let NightWorm discuss the specifics.
I just posted the sheet on another thread. You could reflavor BIG to HIGH, and SMALL to LOW. But also, I think EASY and HARD works just fine for this
In ICRPG, I never worry about elevation. It’s not even a consideration. i.e., I don’t get down into minutiae like that.
I agree that little rules like that can be tedious, but if a player seeks high ground specifically because they are looking for an advantage, I feel obligated to give them one, or they might feel discouraged to look for other environmental advantages.
I try to keep it simple. Ignore minor differences in elevation. If the difference becomes relevant to the situation, just roll with advantage/disadvantage based on relative position. This works for attacking a sniper firing from a tower, for example.