ICRPG Hack #1 Hybrid Player facing rolls

So glad this forum is back!! But onto business, i did post this on the old forums and feel like i should post it in here. Say hello to first ICRPG Hack… Hybrid Player Facing rolls. Enjoy

Ill post some more of my hacks soon


What do your ARMOR bonuses/soak look like with this? Do you keep them as is or have you changed them to fit the hack better?

I actually came here looking for inspiration for something like this, thanks for sharing! I may use some version of this to entirely remove the need for a GM turn, and move the game along with player actions like in Dungeon World / Pbta systems…

I’ve been using Phases from Crown & Skull to eliminate the GM turn, and I’m going to try player-facing Defense rolls in a Waste Is Not Kind game. I’d be interested in seeing how a more freeform style feels!

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The armor bonuses are generally +1/+2/+3 for light / medium/ heavy armor and +1/+2 for shields. It worked out really well for my players.

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It definitely allowed more player freedom and rp to choose how they would defend. The fact i still roll for effort allows me to scratch that dice rolling itch. And yes it does mean they will more than likely to find ways to capitalise on their strengths but it never broke the game