Ideas for a battle royale type challenges for strong PCs

Our campaign just got past our 1.5-year mark, almost 70 sessions, and we’re gearing towards a climax and a break.

In short, it’s Alfheim but the elves are invading now, in league with the snow orcs. there’s a hidden colossus under Gilhelm, they have the heart required to revive it but doing so would awake Durathrax.

they’re all very strong, one of them got access to tier 4 spells party of 3 (warrior, shadow, mage) all have at least 1 mastery. still on 1 heart each, but will probably be on 2 when they get there.

I plan to make them face most of their “personal” villains in a mansion, the last group to live at dawn gets access to teleportation and manifesting dreams- battle royale style, organized by a mastermind who needs to feed on blood spilled willingly in pursuit of power.

I need ideas/ inspiration for how to challenge them without nullifying their abilities/ loot at this point. If it was somewhere large-scale (there’s a massive battle planned as the finale, but that’s for another post) it would be easier, but the constraint makes large numbers not feasible. moral quandary will probably be present, what else will pack a punch (emotionally and mechanically)?


Garland’s sphere in a tight corridor. As it moves along, quietly, sucking magic from everything, I have seen groups literally flee.