Been pondering a variation of an initative system variant. Normally everyone rolls a d20 and it goes highest to lowest. Instead similar to the popcorn intiative system, everyone rolls a d20 (modified by LOOT or milestones) then they decide who goes next, eithe a player or Gm. The round ends once everyone has a turn. A twait would be maybe a milestone or loot could give an extra turn, or the Boss npc could require one as well. Thoughts?
Personally, I’ve used the “clockwise in order” model ever since I first saw it in a RH video. Combined with turn-timers for enemy “interrupt-actions” it’s easily the ICRPG rule I’ve gotten most mileage out of.
So based on that, I’d be very hesitant to replace it with anything else. But if you prefer the popcorn model and still want to have an initiative roll, your solution should work fine!
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