Monster Sets for ICRPG

Monster Sets for ICRPG

This PDF includes six classic monster sets for ICRPG, each featuring multiple ranks designed to complement one another. The sets should offer enough variety to keep players on their toes while staying thematically cohesive.

Included Monster Sets:

  • Skeletons: Commander, Warrior, Archer, Mage, Bone Giant
  • Goblins: Scout, Skirmisher, Bomber, Scavenger, Trapmaster, Shaman, Chief
  • Cultists: Devotee, Fanatic, Defiler, High Priest, Ritual Demon
  • Fungus: Rotling, Spawn, Trooper, Defender, Supreme, Dummy
  • Orcs: Raider, Impaler, Berserker, Witch, Drummer, Warlord
  • Vampires: Thrall, Spawn, Priestess, Assassin, Vampire Bat, Vampire Lord



This is awesome! Just what I needed for my next session.


Fantastic work! Thanks for all the effort you put into this.


Thanks so much! These are so well done and just what I needed.


Great monster sets! I can’t wait to break them out in a session!


I will definitely be using the Gob Mob in my next session!

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This rules

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I’ve been using big and small effort for my solo games and it’s been super fun! I say miss on a 1, roll under the target is a small effort, anything at TN or over is big effort. I do have one question. I’m using power slots for my magic user. They have 10 slots and can pick how powerful they want the spell to be (up to 3 levels at a time) and then they roll that many d10s and use up that many slots. How can I do big and small effort with an effort roll where I’m using more than one die for effort?

:Edit- Maybe roll 6 d10 and drop the 3 lowest for a strong hit and drop the 3 highest for a weak hit. duh sometimes you just gotta talk it out even with yourself haha

If you have a dice pool of 4d6 and you’re rolling BIG, you could roll initially and then reroll anything that is 1,2, or 3. Then the second result is the final result.

If you are rolling SMALL, you reroll anything 4, 5, or 6 and stick with that second result.


Thanks Kane, that’s a good idea.

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