New CandS GM looking for tips

Hey everyone. Im about to run a one shot CandS for my ICRPG group with hopes that they like it enough to run our next campaign in it.

Do you guys have any tips on teaching/running the system?
I know the book has a great section on this but if you guys have something else to add i would love to hear it.

Thanks all

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If you are playing with experienced players who just need to learn this system, i would go over checks, attempts, targets and the effort dice. Everything else they can learn in play.

With new players, do something similar but take longer, give them more time. The prisoners of molok scenario or something like that which let’s them encounter one new mechanism at a time.


Thanks for the response.

Loved prisoners of Molok…but I used that to teach them ICRPG haha.

Anything in particular you need? I’ve run C&S over the past year or so.

It’s a system that is easy to play, but you need to unlearn some core concepts of D&D.

Take it slow and make sure to focus on one core mechanic at a time.

Example: have a good session zero or similar where you go over the individual builds of people.
Skills and gear is hit points. That is new to almost all new players.

Make a classic intro scenario where the players have to use skills, get attrition, run an encounter with some easy enemies to get the flow of combat etc.

Just go play dude! :v: