I know Alex played and maybe still plays Alien in ICRPG. I was wondering if you have any weapon stats/pregens or other related stuff to share? I’m very close to setting a game up.
Oh, and do you use a sound board for effects?
I know Alex played and maybe still plays Alien in ICRPG. I was wondering if you have any weapon stats/pregens or other related stuff to share? I’m very close to setting a game up.
Oh, and do you use a sound board for effects?
Check Xeno Dead Zone in SciPunk for what you’re looking for
I got XDZ a while ago. I also have the Alien RPG by Free League. I’m maybe just contemplating too much and need to get a game going.
Hey @svedsken, hit me up with a DM. I’ll hook you up.
And yes, I am still playing Aliens using ICRPG rules. Haven’t stopped!
Wish I knew how to do that here? I know how to on Discord.
Just click on Alex’s profie picture and hit “Message”, or like you said you could always reach out on Discord if you’re over on the Runehammer Discord
For anyone wondering about the conclusion to this drama, we linked up on Discord, which also made the file transfer super easy!
Here’s my stab at it, but I created these according to my rpg system (which is in progress), but things listed below can be ported to ICRPG without any trouble:
** Roles
USCM Private, Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant.
*** Leader
Gives boosts to team mates.
Must have the highest rank in the team.
*** Engineer
Mechanics, repair.
*** IT
Software, computers.
*** Technician
*** Medic
*** Gunner?
*** Pilot?
*** Random Gear List
Have fun with it.
Looks great dude! I have assembled most of my minis, but still lack 8 xenomorphs.
I painted some minis up a year ago for my club.
Siiiiiiick! Are those guys 15mm?
Thanks! No, they are the GF9 minis for the Aliens board game.
We used them for the cinematic scenario from the Alien rpg starter box.
I was asking @Barkvine. I have a bunch of those GF9 minis. LOL
oh my lord
I appreciate that you are always trying to be super helpful, tho!
These are 28mm marines. I got these on Gripping beast miniatures in Uk here. They are metal. 7.50 sterling.
Wish i could find Xenos cheap GF9 are too few for the price. Found there is a gap here for someone to fill.
I went for a Xeno hive style base with hot glue, think it works…
Yeah, I was digging that hot glue hive flooring. Super sexy.