Welcome to the Runehammer Forums!
We are glad you are here! We pride ourselves on having one of the best little corners of the internet, so to keep it nice and tidy, here are few simple rules we follow.
1. Wheaton’s Law at All Times
Very simply, don’t be a dick. We’re all good friends here! Always be courteous, join conversations, listen as much as post, and respect everyone here. This includes a zero tolerance policy for any form of racism, homophobia, transphobia, agism, sexism, or any other phobia or ism that argues in any form that we are not all equal as human beings.
2. We’re All Passionate About RPGs
Help us make this place great for discussion by always adding something positive to a discussion. The topics discussed here matter to us, so please be respectful of the topics and the people discussing them, even if you disagree with some of what is being said. We’re all passionate about RPGs, and there are a million ways to game. Your way isn’t always the best way, so if you find yourself getting defensive, step away from the keyboard, think over what you want to say, and try again later. We all just like cool hobby stuff. If you have to disagree, remember to do so in a thoughtful way that adds to the conversation.
3. No Spam or Flotsam
We shouldn’t have to say this, but no memes, gifs, spam, or other random internet flotsam. All such items will be promptly deleted. Serious offenders will have their IP addresses blocked. This forum is about focused RPG hobby discussion, and we like to keep it that way. We want to hear about your cool hobby projects, games, and ideas. Help us keep our little corner of paradise tidy.
4. Look to Your Left
We hold this community and its members sacred, and nothing sabotages a healthy conversation like rudeness. As such, no degradation of esteem will be tolerated, from one to another. We consider all members of the Runehammer community to be a shield wall. Respect the shield next to you, and hold your own high. This also means that any abusive, offensive, hateful, obscene, or harassing speech will not be tolerated.
5. If You See a Problem, Flag It
Our admins and moderators have a special calling to help take care of this forum and facilitate conversation, but you also are responsible for helping to keep the community strong and healthy. When you see bad behavior, don’t reply; just flag it. If enough flags accrue, action will be taken. Our admins and moderators do sleep, though, so if you do not see immediate action, do not fret. No flag will go unaddressed, and if enough accumulate, action will happen automatically by the SISTM.
Admins/Moderators reserve the right to remove any content and any user account for any reason at any time.
6. Post Your Own Stuff
Please do not post someone else’s intellectual property without permission. If you do post an image of someone else’s art, please include a credit with the name of the artist. Also, please remember that this forum is the wide open internet. If you post Hankerin’s work here, you are inadvertently giving it away for free and violating his copyright. Just because we are all talking about ICRPG or Crown & Skull doesn’t mean everyone here has purchased those titles. So please think twice before posting something that is not your own work.
7. Content Creation
Lots of folks want to know if they can create fan content for Runehammer products, such as adventures, modules, expansions, etc. Here’s what you need to know: anything for your personal use or your home group is totally fine, and encouraged! For everything else, including sales of derivative work, you must get permission from Hankerin. This goes doubly for using his art. A simple email outlining your project and getting his blessing can solve a whole lot of heartache for you. It’s really just that simple. hankerin.ferinale@gmail.com
8. Categories
Our page is loosely organized around the various Runehammer products: Index Card RPG, Crown & Skull, EZD6, War Maker, Viking Death Squad, etc. Please try not to start a topic in the wrong category or cross-post the same thing in multiple topics. For anything that does not fall into one of those categories, please use Erratic Errata or reach out to an Admin.
9. I Need Help!
Hey, that’s what we are here for! Please reach out to Alex or Paul directly at any time for help or feedback. In particular, Alex has been around a minute, and he’s obsessive about checking these forums. If he doesn’t have an answer, he can still get you one pretty fast. Send a direct message any time or contact the admins.
10. Leave a Heart
If you have been around a minute, you know that the early Runehammer forum on the old Google+ site used hearts to show appreciation for posts. Beyond that, hearts have a special place for all of us who play ICRPG! So, when you find a post interesting, informative, or entertaining, use the to show your appreciation and support!
11. First Steps
Here are some things you can do to get started:
Introduce yourself by adding your picture and information about yourself and your interests to your profile. What is one thing you’d like to be asked about?
Get to know the community by browsing discussions that are already happening here. Don’t forget to leave a heart!
Contribute by commenting, sharing your own perspective, asking questions, or offering feedback in the discussion. Before replying or starting new topics, please review these guidelines.
12. Where Else Can I Interact?
Here is the official link to the Runehammer Shop:
Interact there for all news about the brick and mortar store, special events, buy cool merch and products online, read Hank’s blog, or get the official store app!
For a repository of fan-made docs or content for Index Card RPG (ICRPG), please check out the ICRPG Community Content site:
And, please consider supporting Hank at the Runehammer Patreon:
Don’t forget about the Runehammer YouTube channel. Tune in here:
Finally, a ton of us are interacting daily over at the Runehammer Discord. Please join us there, including conversations with the man himself.
13. A Huge Thanks
Hey, we really appreciate you! If you are a fan of Runehammer Games and the Runehammer Store, we are very glad you are a part of the Shield Wall. Thank you for being patrons and supporters.