Spell Casting in ICRPG using POWER

I’ve long thought that the POWER system from Hard Suit would make an interesting spell casting system as well, and decided to implement it at my table! I’m also going to be introducing some Hard Suit-level technology soon, so I’ve also made a few notes for my players for how the two work together.

We’re on a short hiatus as I’ve got newborn twins in the house, but here’s where I’ve landed on for the system.

There are mentions throughout this of a few things specific to my world that only would make sense to my players (Azerite, Azriel, Runestones, etc). But the overall casting mechanic should be usable by anyone playing ICRPG.

This amalgamation is adapted from the POWER rules from Hard Suit, the ICRPG MAGIC: Lost Tome book, and of course, Master Edition.


This idea is perfect for the kineticist character type I’m working on. But I think I will tweak it to use a D20 instead of D%, since everything is in increments of 5 anyway, and reverse it so that high rolls are good and low are bad. Basically instead of mana the player will accumulate Spell Burn, and they need to roll over their current spell burn to succeed. The D% is great for Hard Suits high tech theme, but you can do the same thing with a D20 and it’s more familiar to the players.