Tabula Rasa, land of lost lore

So this is the introduction to a alternative fantasy hack, spells, rituals, alchemy, a couple new types, and races to fit the setting. All new lore, map, and ideas to steal. Tell me if yall are interested, heres the introduction.

A warm welcome to Tabula Rasa. A desert world filled with secrets and ancient cities. After the Dry Age rolled through, all the city states of this land wilted and died, except for Las era, a land ruled by lion kings. Young Ghenna rests to the south, a land now ruled by demons. To the north lies the land of dry rivers, led by a Titanium dragon who has gone crazy due to rust worm. Centering this continent rests Tulkasi, a land ruled by a viral disease and the beasts inflicted with it. To the east, White Drift, and great salt plane where super natural creatures and magical secrets make home. History is only known through spoken tongue up to the Dry Age. Now they have learned their mistakes and have begun writing their history, but alas it was too late, for the worst has happened. The gods rest in rotted decayed forms, but they still are worshipped and revered. The cosmological realm has the world surrounded by hell, the realm of demons, and around that a star of the different season, where people go when they die. But thats enough rambling, explore this world of buried secrets and forgotten lore.


I like it. It’s like a Fantasy version of Wasted Worlds. The “Lion Kings” bit sounds a little too much like the kid’s films. Are they like Rakasha? And being “let” but a mentally ill dragon seems strange. Maybe terrorized? Who is the “they” who have “learned their mistakes”? Humans or humanoids?
Just some thoughts!

Good thoughts, thank you very much, i will expand

Always super interested in new types that really add to a setting!

I often add them to my table as a type that can be played once they are encountered… or at least mine them for ideas!