Today, we know many spirits, and they know us.
But in the early days, humanity only knew one spirit: The Wayfinder, who led them through the dark forest.
Help me tell the story of how humanity discovered Fire and befriended Dogs and began to put our mark on the world
Carved In Stone: The Dark Forest
System: Index Card RPG
Setting: Mythic Prehistory
When: Wednesdays at 8PM Eastern US, Starting on February 5th (Time can be adjusted by 1 Hour in either direction, depending on players)
Length: Four Sessions, Two Hours Each
Where: Discord and ICVTT
Size: Three to Five Players
Premise: You are the Wayfinder’s most trusted advisors and warriors, elevated above your siblings. The spirits have begun to notice you, and seek to use you in their plots against humanity.
We will custom build characters. I have a list of titles that you can use as inspiration, or we can create something you want to see in the setting. In addition, some titles have already been played enough that I have mechanical baselines for them.
@ or DM me if you are interested or if you want details before committing