I recently read and played through a few times Five Parsecs from Home as well as Five Leagues from the Borderlands. Both by Ivan Sorensen, the Nordic Weasel. I recently picked up War Story of his as well.
I then was thinking, I forgot so many parts of 5PFH and 5LFB that I wanted it to be simpler. So, I remembered War|Maker and essentially subbed out the resolution rules for conflict and I had a blast. Made my crew HERO FORCES, and then the enemies either REGULAR or HERO FORCES depending on the size. Given my small table size, it worked out fairly well playing solo. Also inspired me to build some paper and crummy cardboard terrain.
I think one thing that I really enjoyed about blending the two was the story tables and helping guide a narrative I didn’t know much about with Five Parsecs with War|Maker.